Saturday, January 9, 2010

I had this brilliant post composed in my head last night, as I worked the "afternoon" shift at work. Then I stayed up till 1 watching TV since my day is completely shot by my work schedule and I don't have time watch TV at any other time... Or do anything else but go to work, eat, and sleep. Now I have lost the brilliantly thought out post. Instead I feel like a little whinny girl who now gets to complain about work.
How did I become this person? The one who does nothing but work, sleep and eat (not always in that order)? I am at 50 hours already and I have atleast another 10 to go (and yes, it is Saturday today, but the work must get done).
When my company decided to expand and the manger of my department decided to work from home, I was made manager. I was so scared to tell the assistant manager that I got the position because I was afraid of what she would say or feel. Now I know she would have turned it down anyways. Self preservation- pure and simple.
And because we expanded and we don't have the computers to handle the people we need to complete the work that needs to be completed, we went to shifts. 6 to 2 and 2:30 to 10. My two assistant managers both wanted morning. And considering what they do, mornings are best for them. However, that left me with the night shift.
This wouldn't be a problem except that we have a 7o'clock meeting that I have to be at. And if I am going to be going that early, I might as well go in at 6 so I can take one of my assistant managers because she can't drive at the moment.
So, I don't get home till 10:30, stay up for a bit longer because I am not tired enough to sleep, but too drained to do anything else, then get up around 5:00 and hit the snooze button as much as I can until I HAVE to get up. Then I go to a meeting for a couple of hours, come home, take a nap then get up and really get ready to go back to work.
I didn't think I would be this burned out. But I am getting there. My only consolation in all of this is that my Office Manager has noticed the craziness that is my schedule and is trying to move the meeting time. And work will be slowing down, so I might be able to go to a more regular schedule.

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