Monday, May 20, 2024

Distractions and Rewrites

 What else can I do to not write what I should be writing? 

I can write a post for my blog, which gets little to no love from me on a regular basis. 

It definitely doesn’t get good editing either. Which is what I should be doing on my current WIP (work in progress for those not in the literary loop). And why do I not want to work on my current work in progress (I’ve decided I don’t like that acronym and will cease using it for the moment)? Well, this poor story, that has sat on my desk top for YEARS untouched and had originally been finished five years ago, needs to be rewritten. And not just a gentle sentence, paragraph, or page here or there. No, this poor piece of unpublished literature needs an entire facelift.

This is what happens when an author (me) never really liked the beginning of the story but went with it because it worked at the moment, but now, five plus years later, have matured enough to realized that one of the main characters would NEVER act like that, and I need to do justice to him. And her. And the other him. Well, the last him is a jerk and will remain so.

(My current gum, that is supposed to keep me from eating everything and anything, sucks. It lasts all of eight minutes before I give up and spit it out. Only to repeat the process in ten minutes because I really will want to go find something to eat even though I am not hungry.)

But back to the problem. I hate editing in general, but I loathe rewrites. It hurts my brain. I have to figure out what I can keep, work in the new words, new plots (holes and all), try to not lose too many words, but ultimately realize that, yes, that WHOLE chapter needs to go. And with it gone, later plot points are going to have to change. And all of that work! I’ve worked so hard to write it the first time, why do I have to redo it? Again?

My head is hurting just thinking about it.

You would also think with all of this typing practice that my typing would get better. Nope. I still have to use the backspace button way more than I am comfortable. And apparently if I spell “the” wrong, it is close enough to a Korean word and so my laptop decides to switch alphabets midsentence.

New distraction! I need to practice my Hangeul typing!

And I am on to the next piece of gum. I am taking too long to type. And I had to backspace half of that sentence.


Enough distractions. Back to changing my character’s lives. And make them more self-aware, less jerky (except for that one character who is a jerk in the main character’s eyes and will not have any major changes since I am going to be limiting his existence in this book. He got a TV pilot written with him as the main lead, so he can have character development there), and more true to the events of the first book. That I finished almost ten years ago.

To quote myself “no one can read it if you never write it”. I am a wise person. Sometimes.

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