Friday, February 5, 2010

Ranch and Ketchup- The All American Condiments

I love ranch. I love ketchup. Usually when I am eating something with either one of these delish condiments/dresssing I smother said object in said sauce.
Lately, though, I must admit, I have been craving ranch dressing, and it has been usurping the foods that I would normally use ketchup on. Fries espeically. I don't know what it is, but I had a salad the other day and ever since I have just been craving ranch dressing.
That isn't to say that I don't go for ranch with my fries if I think I can get the resteraunt to give it to me for free.
Today I got a side salad and fried zuccini- double dose of ranch. I am a very happy kid at the moment.
I should also mention that it isn't just any ranch that I am craving. No. It is the higher quality stuff that doesn't taste like mayo. Instead it is creamy and smooth and oh so delicious.
And while I am on the subject I will expound on the whole "fried zuccini". I have never had fried zuccini before moving to California. And while I have been here I have had 3 different types. Johnny's, a locally owned resteraunt here in Riverside, has the best. It is crunchy and when smothered in ranch, it combines the best of two things. I am enjoying some right now as I speak...
While this whole craving ranch thing was going on (okay, it is still going on) I had the thought that Ranch and Ketchup are, I have heard, hard to get outside of the United States. It reminds me of Root Beer and how no one who isn't American actually like root beer.
Which makes me think what it says about our country that we are the only ones in the world to have root beer, ranch and good ketchup?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Brownie Analogy

(I love spell check)
When I was a missionary I was told I was going to start learning Spanish. I was thinking "score! Now I don't have to learn on my own". However, despite the time that went by I never was called to go Spanish speaking. l was devastated. I was promised something and it didn't come through.
Then I had a companion (associate in other wards) who gave me this analogy. It was like I am walking and at the end of the road, there is a brownie. Now, I like brownies, and from where I am it looks delicious. But as I keep walking the path I am walking on turns. As I follow it I keep looking back thinking- I want that brownie. But what I don't know is at the end of the path that I am on there is a hot fudge cake sundae a la mode waiting for me.
This analogy came back to me this Sunday as I watched petite brunette and the former crush (by the way, my friend did something for me, which I am still grinning about, nothing bad per say- just a little dig back at the girl), I realized that he was a brownie. There is something better out there for me. Something more than just a guy (who is about 4 years younger than me) who goes for shallow petite brunettes who aren't so pretty when they don't smile and who get ignored when other cuter brunettes (not me, but my friend who ROCKS) come to talk to previously mentioned guy.