Sunday, November 2, 2014

Online Dating and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves

Testing… Testing… Anyone out there? I don’t think this thing is on.

I have been part of the online dating world on and off for about 4 years now. Obviously it hasn’t worked or I would no longer be trying to get married through the internet. While I applaud people who find love through the use of electrical devices…. Let me rephrase that, since I have too have found love through an electrical devise. It just so happens that that love involved cooking utensils and free shipping. Man, do I love my new apple peeler/corer/slicer. It makes eating apples an adventure every time. But I digress. Again.
Where was I?
Finding love through the internet.
Yes, some people manage it. Some people also catch lyme disease. But not everyone who ventures into the woods gets some horrible disease. Not the first time, and not the 152nd time either.
My inner voice is telling me to tone down the bitterness. I will try to do so from now on.
I feel like I should state, just for the record, that my regular “real life” dating life has been somewhat lackluster to begin with. And for some reason I thought that dating online would be a good idea. Obviously I am wrong about that.
Being LDS/Mormon is like any other select group- one usually wants to marry within one’s group. Jews have JDate. Mormons have… well, we have a few sites. They all are lacking in my opinion. The one that I have found the most inclusive is LDSPlanet. It is less than ideal because they will match me up with people who, the only thing I have in common with them is location. OBVIOUSLY I would want to date someone who has not finished college, is not a return missionary, and sits at home all day and plays video games just because he lives within an acceptable distance. That truly isn’t that acceptable. But that just goes to show how many guys are in my area.
But I am bitterly digressing now. What was I trying to say here?
I have lost all train of thought as it comes to this post. I can’t remember the purpose of this little rant. So I will finish my saying that while I think I am cute, the guys who I think are cute and somewhat compatible do not find me cute.
I am getting discouraged that I will find anyone. In real life I have social anxiety. Which is practically bad at the moment. I don’t want to go anywhere that isn’t baby related (I am a nanny for my 3 month old nephew who is adorable, but that is for another post) or work related (I also worked in a bakery as an assistant pastry chef). So, I am trying this online dating thing one last time. Because there at least I don’t have to worry about the immediate social interaction that is required in person. Fingers crossed it will work this time. Maybe it will be my turn to catch lyme disease.