Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Calling Good Evil and Evil Good

I had a friend who posted some of the lyrics to "The Phantom of the Opera" and I made a casual remark that the Phantom is sociopath with deliusions of grandeur. This spark along debate that somehow included Hitler and how he was a great leader. I took immediate offense to this. Hitler was NOT a great leader. He was charsamatic, definitely. But he used fear and propaganda to control the masses. I will also point out that he never gained more than a third of the votes before he shut down the whole democratic process.
I am tired of people excusing others because they want to see the "good" in someone, or something. But there are some things/peope that are just "evil".
Take Hitler. He may have been motivating and whatnot but his actions, his intent, was never good. I don't care that the atmosphere of the day was very anti-semitic. I do not care how you were raised, you are still responsible for your actions. Murder is wrong no matter how you look at it.
We cannot excuse people because they have had a bad life. That is NOT an excuse. I know plenty of people who have had the worse life expereinces, and yet, they are more than what the world would "excuse" them to be.
You are responsible for your choices. You must own up to what you have done. Just because society says that is alright does not make it so.

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