Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sour Grapes... Or Blessing In Disguise

Funny little story...

There is this guy at church who I have been trying to get the courage up to talk to for way too long. Slowly but surely I have been working my way over to talk to him between classes and such. Last Thursday at an activity I invited him to my Mafia Night (which was a very fun night if I do say so myself). On Saturday I called to see if he was going to come but he was sick.
Then on Sunday I went to talk to him after services. He gave me a hug (myself not being a huggy type of person) in way of saying "hello" (I would guess). I was thinking "score!". While we were chatting I noticed that this girl I had seen him with earlier and had noticed him chatting with on previous occasions was staring at us.
It came time that I had to go so he gave me another hug (score times 2!). I stopped to talk to another friend and I noticed that the girl (who I shall dub petite brunette from here on out) was talking to the object of my interest.
Then, last night when I was at FHE (yet another church activity) petite brunette (who I have seen confirmed is 18) came in and sat on the same row as me and my roommate. Now, out of ALL the chairs and rows that this girl could have sat on, she chose mine... (I now am in the firm believe this was on purpose.)
Then comes in object of interest and sits down next to petite brunette...
I got up a couple of seconds later, grabbing my phone and went to the bathroom to begin texting a friend who knows all of this whole drama because not only does she work with me but she is my assistant manager and we share an office (with two windows that don't open, despite what she thinks they should do).
I calmed down long enough to be able to go back into the room with the guy who I had thought had more depth than to date someone like her (who I took into dislike a while ago, even though I don't know her- which causes problems in and of itself) and his new girlfriend (who giggled and talked through the entire Sacrament Service). I only made it through the last of the song and the prayer before I grabbed my bag, told my roommate that I had to go, and left.
I had this one guy follow behind me, much to my annoyance. (If I wanted to talk about it, I would. But normally if I am trying to escape, just let me.)
I didn't even get out of the parking lot before I was in tears. I spent last night and all of today with my friend talking about this (when we weren't doing work and having to talk about other things). I have come to the conclusion that this guy is not who I thought he was. If he is shallow enough to date a girl like that- who, in my opinion is about as shallow as she looks and giggles- then he isn't worth my time, effort, or tears.
I must say that I am mad about the whole thing. I am mad at him for hugging me on Sunday. I am mad at her for sitting on the same row when there were AT LEAST 40 other chairs and two other sections of chairs to sit in. And I am mad at myself for not only taking FOREVER to get up the courage to talk to this guy who isn't worth the time, but for being so hurt and mad in the first place.
Now, I must admit there is a part of me (that is dying oh so slowly) that is very vindictive at this moment. My friend has offered to go up to said guy while his girlfriend is about and give him a big hug and greet him the way the french and Italian do... Kisses on both cheeks...
I am giggling even as I write this at the image. (My friend is GORGEOUS by the way, so puts petite brunette in the shade).
So, I trying to figure out if I am just saying "sour grapes" or if this really is a blessing in disguise.
Personally, I going with blessing- sounds so much less petty and childish, wouldn't you agree?

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