Tuesday, January 5, 2010

excited over little things

I get excited pretty easily.
Tomorrow is the first day of classes for the next semester and I'm pretty excited about the silliest things about it. It's my last semester at the community college, so I'm pretty stoked about that. I am taking a digital photography class and am so excited about it. I am also taking another semester of German, which is an amazing language that I would love to become fluent in.
Today my mom and I went shopping for warmer clothes, because living in Florida tends to leave one with inadequate clothing. I went and was excited about the silliest things like the hat and shirt combinations. I would have gotten them all if I had the money. Instead I just got the one of sonic the hedgehog. And argyle. I love argyle. I don't know why, but I do. Plaid comes second.
One may read this and think that I'm easily amused and might condescend my excitement, but I have a saying that goes, "I'd rather be easily amused rather than never amused at all." just think about it. One could be easily excited or constantly bored. take your pick.

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