Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I Remember When...

Here is something for everyone. Chime in if you want!
When I was I kid, I learned about the USSR- not Russia.
I remember the Berlin Wall coming down.
When I was high school Pluto was still a Planet.
When I graduated from college Pluto was STILL a planet.
When I was a kid it was safe to walk home from school and helmets were something you knew about but didn't really wear.
I remember listening to The New Kids On The Block- when they were still new.
I used to use a VCR to record shows that I missed on TV.
The frist "record" I bought was a Cassette Tape.
When I was a kid I use to listen to records.
I remember being able to buy a candy bar for a quarter.
When I started driving gas was still under a dollar per gallon.


  1. Funny!
    I remember gas being that cheap too...though I can't remember the last time I didn't sigh and wish I lived within walking distance of everything I need when I am filling up my gas tank to the tune of $45.00
    I remember VCRs, I still have one. Scott found it while he was cleaning out houses and found the remote too.
    I remember it being safe to walk to school and second day of kindergarten my bus driver left me at the wrong stop and I had to walk 7 blocks to my babysitters.
    I remember Pluto being a planet...I was bummed when they said it wasn't
    Here's a new one~I remember in middle school when it was cool to wear baggy t-shirts with tight shorts and wear your hair up in a pony tail with a giant, bright colored scrunchie.

    Good blog Miriam!

  2. I remember when only Atari was available and after about 30 minutes of playing you got board and went outside for kickball which was a real game.
